Hunter Barrel Chronograph, Supreme 120-Shot with WiFi
Hunter Barrel Chronograph, Supreme 120-Shot with WiFi
Hunter Barrel Chronograph (HT-X3006), Supreme 120-Shot with WIFI
- Fire rate 0-3600 shots/min
- Velocity 2-1500m/s (10-5000fps)
- Kinetic energy: 0-999 J
- Range: 0-999 M
- Accuracy: Error <0.5%
- Projection tube diameter - 24mm
If you buy ‘with WiFi Edition', you can view data through your mobile phone, computer, etc
Page Turning
Short press key ● to Turning Page。
Page 1 displays weight,caliber,
Page 2 displays weight,caliber,
range,fierate,energy per unit.Check the battery
Press key▲ to enter the power display interface. When the power isexhausted, it will display low battery, flash warning, andautomatically shut down.
Test data playback
Press key▼to enter the setting menu, move the cursor to ‘DATA PLAYBACK’, Press key●to view,Press key▲/▼to page.Press key● to exit.
Using steps of Wifi version:
1.Turn on the instrument and turn on the wifi settings of your phone or computer.
2.Connect wifi hotspot "HT-X3000", password 88888888
3.Open the browser and enter the web address
(Press and hold key▼ for 2 seconds to turn the WIFI on or off.)
Please refer to the instruction manual for more operations